Club History

The club was founded in 1993. Originally there was a single monthly meeting (in Sutton-in-Ashfield), this was soon increased at the request of the members to two meetings a month.

Many more formal clubs depend on demonstrations, talks and slideshows with occasional workshops. At Ashfield the emphasis is very much towards the informal and "hands on". Members regularly bring their own own material to meetings. The club caters for a wide range of experience in bonsai and welcomes new members. Advice is available from the more seasoned and creative members and we try to foster a relaxed, "family feel" with everyone having a say in the clubs affairs. Each year we invite one or two speakers of international fame to present to us, and we occasionally organise weekend workshops with well known bonsai personalties. Presently our meetings are held in the comfortable and spacious church hall at South Normanton and new members are always welcome.

In 2019 the club members will continue to exhibit at major exhibitions both at home and abroad, with trees enterred for the Swindon Winter Image show in February (where the club has also been invited to present a display stand), and at the Bonsai Expo in April.

Members will also be attending the Trophy Exhibition in Belgium in February, the Doncaster show in March and other shows throughout the year

Monday, 24 February 2014

ABC Winter Image competition Feb 2014

Ashfield held its 2014 Winter Image competition last Thursday.
Unfortunately it wasn't, as well attended as the Swindon Winter Image show, the trees weren't as good and there were no traders...but apart from that we had a good night.

Here are the trees that were bought along;

Mike's lovely Fuji Cherry
Geoff's awesome Larch group planting
John's Chinese Elm
Birds eye view of the Elm
Derek's Blackthorn
Tony's Korean Hornbeam
Philip's Acer Ginella
Derek's Larch on rock
Paul's Korean Hornbeam
Chris's Larch rock planting
Geoff's Privet
The winning tree Peter's Larch
Nebari detail of Peter's Larch
Our treasurer Derek prepares to hand over the trophy for the winning tree.
And the usual comedy shot, Derek two steps over to a cheesy grin from Peter......quality.....what else would you want to do on a Thursday night, I ask you.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Here we go again, chocks away Ginger

Up to yet it's been a fairly mild start (temperature wise) to this new Bonsai year.
It was a good turn out for the first meeting in February, pictures are shown below.

We've decided to "mix it up" a little this year as our programme of events was getting a little predictable, see the revised programme for details, feel free to come along and join us.
I've a feeling the "Group Hug Workshop" in July will be packed to the rafters !

If you're working on your trees in this mild weather remember good after care is paramount, keep newly worked trees out of the wind, avoid frosts and too much water to the roots.

A packed house
Mike mildly prunes back his trident maple
Paul ponders over his Juniper
Tombsy & Doddsy deep in constipation
Chris's lovely Mungo pine
Pete's awesome Pomegranate
Tony tackles his Larch
Caz & Geoff getting stuck in
Caz's Shishigashira Maple, try saying that after 2 shandies
Caz's ?, I want to say Forsythia but I know it's wrong and Caz did tell me....sorry Caz
Caz's Kiyo Hime Maple
Philip pampers his lovely little White Pine, I can't get too close to other members White Pines, I kill them if I get within 2 feet of them
A couple of shohin Yews, 1 English and 1 on !
Peter's fantastic shohin Itoigawa Juniper, this tree and others from Ashfield members will hopefully be on display at the upcoming BSA Show at Willowbog Bonsai over the weekend of 8th & 9th March 2014.

Paul preens his Privet
Praise the Lord !
We knew if we kept the faith Geoff would someday start to use wire on his Bonsai
Geoff gently wires his Escallonia, wry smile on face...Geoff you've been framed !

Don't forget to visit the upcoming Swindon Winter Image show Sunday 23rd February and the BSA (British Shohin Association) Show 8th & 9th March at Willowbog Bonsai.