Club History

The club was founded in 1993. Originally there was a single monthly meeting (in Sutton-in-Ashfield), this was soon increased at the request of the members to two meetings a month.

Many more formal clubs depend on demonstrations, talks and slideshows with occasional workshops. At Ashfield the emphasis is very much towards the informal and "hands on". Members regularly bring their own own material to meetings. The club caters for a wide range of experience in bonsai and welcomes new members. Advice is available from the more seasoned and creative members and we try to foster a relaxed, "family feel" with everyone having a say in the clubs affairs. Each year we invite one or two speakers of international fame to present to us, and we occasionally organise weekend workshops with well known bonsai personalties. Presently our meetings are held in the comfortable and spacious church hall at South Normanton and new members are always welcome.

In 2019 the club members will continue to exhibit at major exhibitions both at home and abroad, with trees enterred for the Swindon Winter Image show in February (where the club has also been invited to present a display stand), and at the Bonsai Expo in April.

Members will also be attending the Trophy Exhibition in Belgium in February, the Doncaster show in March and other shows throughout the year

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Club meeting Thursday 7th June 2012

Here are a few general pictures from our last club meeting.
We aren't a pretty bunch and there are some dubious characters of ill repute, but everyone gets involved in helping each other with design decisions, horticultural expertise etc etc.

I must apologise for the last picture, I nearly didn't include it as there may be genteel people who read the blog.....but the little devil on my shoulder made me do it....

Anyhoo enough of my childish banter:

Dave Shore works on his Larch Planting on "clinker"
Dave purchased the larch as seedlings 15 years ago and planted them on clinker discarded from a local foundry
 John Pitts satsuki azalea...blooming lovely
Vere, Paul, Tony, John and Derek in a zen like state of bonsaifullness...
 Peter Tombs works on his hollow trunk mulberry
 A close up of Peters Mulberry
The eternal optimist Derek (in shorts) works on a collected larch
Young azalea in bloom
 John Pitts twin trunk Chinese Elm
My apologies to the faint hearted,
Geoff (shocked expression) is caught "knocking one off"
The other boys carry on regardless...they're used to it.